Monday, November 7, 2011

About Those ‘Racial Slurs:’ Real News or Media Propaganda?

Fox News reported yesterday that black lawmakers alleged they were the targets of racial slurs, including the N-word, as they walked through Tea Party protesters into the Capitol.  Today, the Washington Post reported the alleged incident, notably deleting the word, “alleged.”
Throughout the day, thousands of angry protesters milled outside the Capitol; some hurled insults at black and gay lawmakers and shouted at Democrats to “kill the bill!”
Rep. Barney Frank also claimed that he was the target of “homophobic” slurs.  Mr. Frank is one of the most openly gay members of Congress, as we all know.
Now compare the statement above, which appeared in today’s Washington Post, with this statement, which appeared in today’s Fox News report on Michael Steele’s condemnation of the slurs:
Republican National Chairman Michael Steele and one of the organizers of Saturday’s Tea Party rally strongly condemned the racial slurs that some black lawmakers alleged were yelled at them  by some health care protesters as they headed for a procedural vote at Capitol Hill.
Now, it would take a mere fifth grader to distinguish among those two statements which one more accurately reported on this incident.  The Washington Post relied solely on the word of those who claimed they were slurred.  The Fox News report took no such unfounded liberties with the truth.
Fox News also reported yesterday that it had contacted Capitol police to find out whether the incident had been reported or was being investigated.  Capitol police confirmed that it was neither reported, nor was it being investigated.  These are pertinent facts, which the public has a right to know.  Yet, the Washington Post relied only upon the claims made by these black lawmakers and Barney Frank to frame the allegations as established fact.
tea party hill
As someone who has been to Tea Parties and ridden the Tea Party Express with both black and white entertainers and speakers, I find these reports to be incredible.  However, they do fit both the Democratic Party and the MSM’sstandard attempts to equate Tea Party patriots with racism and narrow-minded bigotry of all kinds.
Unless those racial and “homophobic” slurs were corroborated by real witnesses, they remain nothing but allegations.  However, they are precisely the kind of allegations that fit the MSM’s ideological framework.  Just as the Duke rape accuser’s charges fit that framework and were reported as absolute fact for months on end.  Just as theTawana Brawley hoax, ring-led by Al Sharpton, fit that framework and were reported as fact.
tawana-brawley and sharpton
This list is actually becoming too long for sentient citizens not to connect the dots on the MSM’s rush to judgment and abandoning all pretense to journalistic integrity – just to create news that fits their leftist ideology.
Shame on the Washington Post for not reporting honestly today.  Those racial slur allegations, which they published as “irrefutable,” are nothing of the sort.  They are just allegations.  Hearsay.  Not back up by any factual evidence whatsoever.
Are some black and gay lawmakers above lying about such a thing?
I don’t think so.

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