We've been told for years that it was Hollywood and France we should be outraged aboutand now, it turns out, it's Hollywood and France that we're outraged about.

The thing is, this time we actually should be.

Let's be honest. Your outrage about Roman Polanski is only marginally to do with Polanski himself or even his long-ago crime.

I mean, he's been on the very public and five-star-luxury lam for 31 years, and I'm guessing that most of us — over those 31 long years — haven't given Polanski's status two minutes of thought, even when he was winning an Oscar.

The real outrage is with Polanski's Hollywood friends, assorted apologists and, of course, certain parts of France.

The real outrage is that anyone — see: above — would be outraged that Polanski was arrested in Switzerland or that Los Angeles officials want to bring him back to justice.

Woody Allen (not exactly the best character reference in this instance) and Martin Scorsese are among the directors who have signed a petition calling for his release. Debra Winger has issued a statement. L.A. Times columnist Patrick Goldstein compares his story to Jean Valjean's in "Les Miserables." Washington Post columnist Anne Applebaum blogs that his arrest is "outrageous."

A French minister goes further and calls it "sinister," although apparently many people in France are outraged that the minister is outraged, meaning you may not want to break out the freedom fries just yet. Of course, Polanski was born in France, ran to France, lives in Paris and calls French fries "pommes frites."

OK, there are his defenders. And then there are the rest of us, who say, uh, yeah, but he raped a 13-year-old child. The 13-year-old child was at a Hollywood photo shoot, and, according to the grand jury testimony, was plied with alcohol and Quaaludes as she climbed into a hot tub. The testimony from the victim is that Polan ski forced her to have sex.

Polanski thought he had a deal when he pleaded guilty to having had "unlawful sex with a minor" — a deal that would have let him go after 42 days of time served — only to hear word that the judge was going to put him away instead.

And so he ran. And for 31 years, he ran in, let's say, comfort — and then was arrested, to everyone's shock, at a film festival.

You can write your own moral. He's a brilliant director, who gave us "Chinatown" and "Rosemary's Baby." But if there's anything to be learned, it's that you trust the art and not the artist.

And yet, Whoopi Goldberg — an artist, I guess — goes on "The View" and pleads Polanski's case, saying that whatever happened that long- ago night, she's sure it wasn't "rape- rape."

Here's Whoopi's testimony: "He pled guilty to having sex with a minor, and he went to jail, and when they let him out (on bail, pending sentencing), he said: 'You know what, this guy's going to give me 100 years in jail. I'm not staying.' And that's why he left.

"So that's why I wanted to be really clear because I want to know exactly what I'm talking about."

And here's what I'm talking about: Sex with a 13-year-old when you're in your mid-40s — and sex that was likely forced — is not rape-rape, it's rape-rape-rape-rape-rape.

Polanski's victim, we hear, wants the case put to rest. And who can blame her? But as Washington Post columnist Gene Robinson put it, it's not the 45-year-old woman's feelings we're protecting but the 13-year- old girl's. She said in her testimony back then that she was too afraid to fight back.

There have been questions raised about the judge in the Polanski case. There are questions about judicial impropriety. These are questions that could have been settled judicially, particularly when you're a Roman Polanski and you have access to lawyers who attract big Hollywood retainers. Instead, he ran.

Not that it's a simple matter to know what to do when ghosts reappear or, for that matter, the difference between vengeance and justice. And it's true, certainly, that Polanski has ghosts aplenty. His mother died in the Holocaust. He survived a Polish ghetto. His wife, Sharon Tate, was killed in the Manson murders.

You can make the argument that it makes little sense for California, all these years later, to spend the time and money to go after Polanski. What's the point of being outraged now? Polanski is 76 years old and not likely to be a threat to anyone.

The answer comes from Polanski himself. The movie is "Chinatown," one of my all-time favorites, the great '70s noir classic he directed.

I won't give away too much of the plot — you should rent it, if you haven't seen it — but the movie closes with the only justice being a rich man's justice.

Jack Nicholson, who plays the private eye Jake Gittes, walks away downcast at movie's end. His friend tells him, "Forget it, Jake. It's Chinatown."

And so it was. But that doesn't mean it always has to be.

Mike Littwin writes Sundays, Wednesdays and Fridays. Reach him at 303-954-5428 or mlittwin@denverpost.com.